Summer 2018 Newsletter

Missed Appointment?

Have you missed a therapy session due to illness, vacation or holiday? We have afternoon and evening appointments Monday to Thursday available for make-up sessions. Contact Monica at 763-450-9400 or for all scheduling needs.

Fun in the Sun Summer Activities

Enjoy a wide variety of activities this summer available at local libraries, splash pads, beaches, parks, zoos, farms, etc.. Here are some of our therapists’ favorite resources for free summer activities.

Be A Summer Detective!

Send your child(ren) on an outdoor scavenger hunt in your backyard. Discuss the sounds, colors, shapes, sizes, textures, and observations made during the hunt. Have a list of items for them to find and take pictures of such as: Ant, Green leaf, Twig, Smooth rock, Worm, Lady bug, Puddle of water, Ant hill, Flower and a Clover.

Other options for outdoor fun include hikes, parades, star gazing, setting up a lemonade stand, building forts, catching bugs, water play, planting flowers, having a picnic, feeding ducks, camping out in your own yard etc...

Bilingual Language Learning

Many of our clients come from families that speak more than one language. Research supports continued use of multiple languages, even for children who have language-learning difficulties. Check out this infographic for more myths and facts on bilingual language development.

Metro Therapy in the Community

We had a blast at our Afternoon in the Park on May 19th. 50 children and their families attended to play games, win prizes, make a craft, jump in a bounce house, get their pictures taken, and have yummy snacks.

On June 7th Metro Therapy walked in the Spring Lake Park Parade. We showed off our bubble blowing skills and handed out Metro Therapy swag.

Metro Staff Continuing Education

Becka Haensel, Kelsey Olson, Katy Fischer, and Lindsey Brown attended a four day Sensory Integration Intensive taught by Jeanetta Burpee, a long-time educator, mentor, and forty-five year occupational therapy practitioner with a specialty in Sensory Processing Disorders and treating patients of all ages with a sensory integrative approach.

Metro Therapy Team Anniversaries

Sarah Hetz is celebrating 7 years.

Veronica Clark is celebrating 6 years.

Jessica Paredes is celebrating 5 years.

Kelsey Olson is celebrating 4 years.

Brittany Ahlskog is celebrating 4 years.

Katy Fischer is celebrating 3 years.

Becka Haensel is celebrating 3 years.

Monica Wielinski is celebrating 2 years.

Lindsey Brown will be celebrating her 1 year anniversary with us this fall.

Student Clinician

Katie Thein, a speech-language pathology graduate student at the University of Minnesota, will be completing a practicum at Metro Therapy this summer.

Now offering FREE screenings for speech-language, feeding and occupational therapy. Please call the office at 763-450-9400 to schedule a screening. If a formal evaluation is recommended, we will work with your insurance carrier to ensure you get the most out of your benefits.

Metro Therapy will be closed Wednesday July 4th for Independence Day and September 3rd for Labor Day.


Fall 2018 Newsletter


Spring 2018 Newsletter