Four Signs Your Baby Needs PT for Infant Torticollis

If your baby has trouble turning their head or they seem to be developing a flat spot on their head, they could be experiencing torticollis. My name is Reilly, and I work at Metro Therapy as a physical therapist. Today, we are going to be talking about what torticollis is, signs to look out for, and how physical therapy can help.

What Is Torticollis?

Torticollis is when there's a tight muscle in the neck that causes the baby's head to turn to one side and then rotate in the opposite direction. This can happen at birth, in the birth canal, or it can happen after birth with positioning (how they are positioned at rest in their carrier or crib).

Signs of Torticollis

Signs that your baby might have torticollis include:

  • They prefer to have their head rotated to one direction

  • They start to get a flat spot on the back of their heads or on one side 

  • They prefer feeding on one side versus the other

  • They’re neck muscles are so tight they cause they’re head to twist or tilt to one side

How Can Physical Therapists Address Torticollis?

There are ways that we can gently stretch the baby's neck, as well as positional activities that help strengthen the opposite sides of their neck muscles to make turning their head easier. We also work with infants on some techniques to help with strengthening their overall body and core.

Early treatment can help with this because we want to make sure we prevent further flattening of the head on one side. If your child has already developed a flat spot, helmet therapy might be recommended; but with physical therapy we hope to avoid that. The earlier you get them in, the better.

Call Metro Therapy for an Evaluation

If you think your baby has torticollis or are concerned about it, you can schedule a physical therapy evaluation by calling our number at (763) 450-9400.


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