Does My Child Need Early Intervention?

When children reach the age where they can go on playdates or attend daycare, many parents start to worry. You may wonder if your child is achieving the developmental milestones for their age group, or what will happen if they are behind. You may find yourself comparing one child’s development to what their siblings or your friends’ children could do by the same age. While these worries are common in parenthood, you don’t have to live with the stress of not knowing. Instead, you can bring your child to a pediatric therapist for a developmental screening. Our therapists can determine if your child needs early intervention to ensure they meet their developmental milestones. If your child is behind their peers in social, cognitive, physical, or language development, we can help them be the very best that they can be.

What is Early Intervention?

Early intervention refers to the services that support children between birth and age three who are experiencing developmental delays or disabilities. The goal of early intervention is to improve a child's developmental skills so they can succeed in school and in life. These services can include speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other interventions to help children achieve their milestones.

Signs of Developmental Delays That May Indicate the Need for Early Intervention

Early intervention is essential when it comes to addressing developmental delays in children. There are several signs that may indicate a child is struggling in their development, including:

  • Delayed speech

  • Poor communication skills

  • Difficulty with motor control

  • Trouble with social interactions

  • Struggles with learning or cognitive skills

  • Inability to self-soothe

  • Poor hand-eye coordination

For a complete list of developmental milestones your child should reach by specific ages, see the CDC’s Developmental Milestones. Identifying these signs and seeking early intervention can significantly improve your child's chances of success in school and later in life.

Benefits of Early Intervention for Infants, Toddlers and Young Children

By identifying and addressing potential developmental delays early on, intervention can help children build their skills and abilities, providing a foundation for success later in life. Early intervention can address a wide range of issues, from delays in speech and language to motor skills, socialization, and more. Research suggests that the earlier intervention starts, the more effective it can be. And the benefits of early intervention can have a lasting impact on a child’s life, leading to improved outcomes in their academic achievement, social behavior, and overall health and well-being.

Pediatric Therapy Screenings Can Identify Developmental Delays

At Metro Therapy, we offer a free pediatric therapy screening that can help identify your child’s potential developmental delays early on. If we determine that your child does need pediatric therapy, we can advise you on how to let their pediatrician and teachers know so your child can get the support they need in all areas of their life. And if you need help accessing treatment for your child, we can provide resources about state-funded insurance and other Minnesota programs that can make it easier to access early intervention services.

Metro Therapy Works with Teachers and Physicians in Our Community to Ensure Children Can Thrive

At Metro Therapy, we take a proactive approach to ensure that children receive the early intervention support they need to thrive. We often reach out to teachers and physicians in our community to educate them about the uses and benefits of pediatric therapy and ensure that they are aware of the services available to their students and patients. By partnering with these professionals, we hope to identify children who can benefit from pediatric therapy services early on and provide them with the support they need to reach their full potential.

Schedule Your Free Screening

We want to help the children in our community be the very best they can be. If you’re worried about your child’s development, call us at (763) 450-9400 to schedule a free pediatric therapy screening today. Our experienced therapists will work with your child to help them achieve their goals with confidence.


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