Can Occupational Therapy Help My Child?

Every child develops at their own pace, but some children need a little extra help to reach their developmental milestones. If you are worried that your child is behind their peers in their physical, social, or feeding skills, you should consider pediatric occupational therapy. At Metro Therapy, we use play-based techniques to address your child’s unique needs and help them be the very best that they can be. 

What Is Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

The word “occupation” in occupational therapy does not refer to your child’s career. It describes the regular activities your child does every day. Pediatric occupational therapy helps children develop skills like dressing, eating, and playing. We build your child’s independence and ability to participate in the activities of daily life. Our goal is to help your child achieve their developmental milestones and reach their full potential.

What Are Developmental Delays?

Healthcare professionals have determined the general skills each child should achieve by certain ages. These are called developmental milestones. When a child has reached or passed the age where they should have achieved a developmental skill, and yet they do not have that skill, we call it a developmental delay. Your child might have a delay with their:

  • Cognitive skills

  • Speech skills

  • Language skills

  • Social skills

  • Emotional regulation skills

  • Motor skills

Even if your child does have a developmental delay, that does not necessarily mean it is permanent. Some children simply need to learn these skills. The best thing to do if you suspect your child has a developmental delay is to schedule a free screening with our pediatric therapists. We’ll be able to tell you if your child could benefit from pediatric therapy.

Effects Developmental Delays Can Have on Your Child

Developmental delays in children can lead to a myriad of negative effects on their social, emotional, and physical growth.

  • Delays with physical milestones such as balance or coordination can lead to children getting frustrated with gross motor games and activities, which can make them feel upset or left out.

  • Delays in sensory processing such as poor arousal level regulation, hypersensitivity to sounds or touch and poor body awareness, leading to difficulty with participating in daily life activities.

  • Delays in social and emotional development may lead to low self-esteem and a lack of self-control, making it difficult for children to form healthy relationships and regulate their own behavior.

These negative effects highlight the importance of early detection and intervention for developmental delays in children.

How Play-Based Occupational Therapy Improves Developmental Skills

Play-based occupational therapy is an effective approach for improving children's developmental skills. Through fun and engaging activities, we help children build coordination, strength, and flexibility, while also improving their cognitive, social, and emotional growth. By providing children with structured play opportunities that are specifically designed to target their individual needs and interests, we can help them overcome challenges and achieve important developmental milestones.

Though your child’s sessions may look like playtime, it is carefully structured and led by our therapists to help your child develop the skills they need to live happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives.

Examples of Pediatric Occupational Therapy Techniques

Occupational therapists apply a range of techniques to help children build self-care and self-control skills. Some of the techniques therapists may utilize include:

  • Play-based activities, from dress up and role-playing to puzzles and board games, which help children practice self-control and executive functioning skills.

  • Sensory integration therapy, which aims to help children identify and regulate their reactions to sensory information (sounds, textures, colors, etc.) so they can function more effectively in their everyday lives.

  • Feeding Therapy, which aims to decrease mealtime anxiety and battles by improving oral motor function, improved accepted food repertoire and self feeding skills.

Our occupational therapists use all of these methods to equip children with the skills they need to succeed both now and in the future.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy Benefits the Whole Family

Pediatric occupational therapy is more than just a treatment for your child. It has a positive impact on your entire family. By developing essential life skills, such as dressing, grooming, and feeding themselves, your child can become less reliant on you, allowing you to focus on other important matters in day-to-day life. Pediatric occupational therapy will also help your child feel more capable and confident in life; and in many cases, children learn to better communicate with their parents from their therapy sessions. This leads to fewer arguments, fewer upsets, and better understanding between parents and children.

Schedule Your Child’s Free Screening Today

If your child seems to be falling behind their peers, reach out to us. At Metro Therapy, we specialize in working with children who have developmental delays. Call us at (763) 450-9400 to schedule your child’s free pediatric therapy screening today. We'll work closely with your family to create a customized therapy plan to help your child thrive.


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